


Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine.

Ginger Definition & Meaning

The meaning of GINGER is a thickened pungent aromatic rhizome that is used as a spice and sometimes medicinally. How to use ginger in a sentence.

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Wordvice AI 與Ginger: 免費英文文法法檢查工具比較

對於英文文法檢查工具,用戶可以上傳Microsoft Word 文檔中的文本,英文文法檢查工具將文檔內容遷移到文本字段並識別所有錯誤,就像直接在字段中輸入文本一樣。 在使用線上 ...

Ginger for office2019

GInger官方的插件安装教程我看过,但是我在word中的选项里添加加载项,它提示我加载 ... 但是除了2019版本的word,别的版本的word都可以打开Ginger插件。 此回复是否有 ...


GINGER翻譯:調味品, 薑,生薑, 薑黃色,赤黃色, 人, 長著薑黃色頭髮的人, 飲品, (同ginger ale), 顏色, 薑黃色的,赤黃色的。了解更多。

GINGER Definition & Usage Examples

ginger · the rhizome of Zingiber officinale, ground, chopped, etc., and used as a flavoring. · Informal. piquancy; animation: There was plenty of ginger in their ...